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      What is the difference between cold drawn section steel and ordinary section steel

      Source:/      Release date: 2022年06月29日
      Information summary:The concept of drawing steel is different from that of profiled steel, because although cold drawing steel belongs to profiled steel and is a common name different from the simple section steel, it can be divided into cold drawing and hot rolling processes. Therefore, cold drawn section steel and profiled steel are different
      All friends who know about steel products know that there are two types of section steel, namely, cold drawn section steel and ordinary shaped steel. However, they do not know the difference between these two steel products. So, what is the difference between them?
      Cold drawn section steel
         the concept of cold drawn section steel is different from that of profiled steel, because although cold drawn section steel belongs to profiled steel and is a common name different from simple section section steel, profiled steel can be divided into cold drawing and hot rolling processes. Therefore, cold drawn section steel and profiled steel are different.
         what are the production skills of cold drawn section steel?
         the skill selected for cold drawing profile steel is cold drawing skill, and the mold may be used. After drawing, the surface shall be smooth and flat without any defects. And in terms of accuracy, it is also required to meet the standard without any deviation.
      The above is the difference between cold drawn section steel and ordinary section steel summarized by Suzhou Sutong special cold drawn Section Steel Co., Ltd. for you. If there is any relevant knowledge you don't understand
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